Learn Fireballese!

Fireball uses unique, self-referential language that may be daunting at first sight. However, there's no reason to be put off - with a little bit of time and effort, you can learn to speak Fireballese yourself! If you were ever wondering what such terms as "GUS," "DBD" meant, as well as when to use punctuation and START WRITING IN CAPS, you are in the right page. This page will provide you with the meaning of her self-referential acronyms, and what they stand for. You will also learn about Fireballese's special punctuation (spelling) and tonal (phonetic) rules.

Self-Referential Acronyms

DBD = Don't Be Disgusting. To be used when someone is being disgusting. Person: How does one go on about cooking a cat? Fireball: DBD...SEE PETS AND then youre going to have problems there...

GUS = Grow Up Soon. To be used when someone is being immature. Person: My parents are making me go to church, but I don't want to. What should I do? Fireball: YOU ARE under their roof SO OBEY THE RULES...THEY KNOW WHATS BEST...GUS and go.

STR = Skip The Rude. To be used when someone is being rude. Person: Why are Christians delusional? Fireball: WE ARE not...ITS AGAINST TOS to be rude...get some manners and STR.

TIRH = This Is Religion Here. To be used when someone is being off-topic. Person: Spiritually speaking, do you like cake? Fireball: I like pie...TIRH.

TOS = Terms Of Service. Though she didn't coin this acronym, it's one of her favorites. To be used when you want to remind someone of Yahoo! Answer's guidelines. Person: Why does Fireball keep saying TIRH? Fireball: BC THIS IS RELig here...YOURe not allowed to single others out...stop being off TOS.

WF = Wrong Forum. To be used when someone is posting in the wrong forum. Person: Why are men superior to women? Fireball: THEYRE not...DBD STR AND GUS...ITS AGAINST TOS TO BE OFF SUBJ...TIRH and yourE ON THE WF...gender studies is that way>>>>>>>>

Whew! That last one was a mouthful, but it's an all-in-one that encompasses everything we've learned so far. Without further ado, let's get onto...

Fireballese Punctuation

Forget everything you've learned about English punctuation. As Fireball was quoted saying, "WE are not in ENGLISH CLASS...no commas saves time." We have no use for commas, apostrophes, parentheses and semi-colons in Fireballese. Time is valuable and if we can eliminate certain punctuation marks without taking away from the meaning of the sentence, then why not? The only three sentence markers of interest are the period "." ... the exclamation mark "!" ... and the mathematical sign ">"

"." and its usage: The period is simply used to separate ideas (there are no sentences in Fireballese; only ideas). Don't use discretion when using the period as there is no rule as to how many consecutive periods you can have between ideas. Fireball: IM METHODIST and SAVED for 34 yrs.....CHOOSE TRINITY....consider repenting.

"!" and its usage:

">" and its usage: The 'greater than or equal' mathematical sign has deictic use (that it so say, the location where the sentence is uttered is relevant to our understanding of it). It is to be used when you want to redirect someone to another Yahoo! Answers section by pointing to the sidebar. Again, use no discretion. Fireball: WHY ARE ATHEISTS IN RELIG.....halloween is this way>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

To be updated soon!